E-Commerce SEO Guide: SEO Best Practices


If you want to attract more traffic to your e-commerce website and generate more sales, you’ll have to start with SEO.

There are countless how-to articles and tutorials online with generic SEO tips and tricks, but far few that specifically address the needs of e-commerce entrepreneurs.

Today, we’ll cover the basics of search engine optimization for e-commerce businesses to help you get started, get in Google’s good graces, and position yourself for success. 

Let’s get started!

What is e-commerce SEO?

SEO for e-commerce businesses consists of making your online store more visible on search engine results pages (SERPs). When people search for the products you sell, you want to achieve the highest possible ranking to generate more traffic.

You can generate traffic with paid search, but organic SEO costs significantly less. In addition, ad blockers and ad blindness can reduce the effectiveness of paid search campaigns, so you’ll need to optimize your organic SEO regardless.

E-commerce SEO usually involves optimizing your titles, product descriptions, metadata, internal linking, and navigation for an optimal search and user experience. Each product you sell should have a dedicated page designed to attract search engine traffic.

However, you don't want to forget about the static, non-product-oriented pages on your website, such as your:

  • Homepage
  • About Page
  • FAQ Page
  • Blog Articles
  • Help Center
  • Contact Page

Create a list of keywords for these pages and related keywords. Tools like Ubersuggest can help you find long-tail and semantic keywords to improve your SEO.

Why SEO is important for e-commerce businesses

What do many consumers do when they need a product or service?  They go straight to Google. They look for options, tips, reviews, and other information to help them make informed decisions.

If your website does not appear in the SERPs, you lose out on interested and qualified customers. Your products may be online, but can people find them?

This is where e-commerce SEO comes in. SEO allows you to reach your target audience without paying for ads. Once you bring people to your website, you can delight them with your high-quality products, intriguing copy, and compelling calls to action.

However, don’t only optimize your website for your customers. SEO solves your first obstacle: increasing website traffic.

How to develop an e-commerce SEO strategy

Optimizing your SEO can seem like an insurmountable amount of work, especially if you’re an e-commerce with thousands of products. Yes, it can take time, but you can speed up the process with a solid SEO strategy.

  • Prioritize the most important pages: Which pages generate the most traffic on your site? Start with those. Also, if you want people to focus on a specific product or a flagship product, optimize your SEO for that product first.
  • Create a workflow: SEO requires you to meet many unique requirements. Choosing keywords, adding metadata, naming your images correctly, adding alternative text, and incorporating related keywords are among the steps you’ll need to take. Know what’s involved and perfect your workflow.
  • Spy on your competitors: Your e-commerce SEO strategy must be designed to outwit the competition. Look at your major competitors' sites and analyze their SEO. Then identify ways to improve yours.
  • Follow up with CRO: Conversion rate optimization (CRO) should follow your SEO strategy. We'll talk more about this later.

Keep reading for more detailed instructions on how to develop an effective e-commerce SEO strategy.

E-commerce SEO Checklist: SEO Best Practices

Let's look at some of the best tips for e-commerce websites trying to carve out a space for themselves online via SEO. If you want people to find your products more easily, you need an e-commerce SEO strategy, and checking off each item on this list is sure to make your strategy more effective.

Use the right keywords

Yes, keywords are still important. You don't want to overload your product titles and descriptions with too many keywords, but your most important keywords should be in your copy.

Mention your main keyword in your product title, description, meta description, alt text, and subheadings. Sprinkle latent semantic index (LSI) keywords throughout. These are related keywords that help Google understand the context of your page and product.

Analyze keyword search volume, CPC, and user intent

Before you use a keyword, research it. Know how often people search for it (search volume per keyword), how competitive it is in the paid advertising space (cost per click or CPC), and what people are looking for when they use that keyword.

Let's break it down further.

Search volume tells you how much consumers search for a particular keyword. A high search volume indicates greater popularity, which means you will receive more active searches for that keyword.

CPC tells you how much advertisers pay per click for ads based on a specific keyword. A high CPC indicates greater competition. If your target keyword is extremely competitive, consider finding a long-tail alternative.

Lastly, user intent refers to what people wish to find when they type a specific keyword into the Google search bar. For example, let's say someone types "shower" and hits enter.

Is this person looking for information on how to install a shower or get their shower repaired? Are they searching for inspiration for a baby shower, bachelorette party, or otherwise? If you can't determine the user's intent, add more words to the search string for clarity.

Research your competition

If you don't know where to start when it comes to optimizing your website, your competitors are your best bet. Your biggest competitors, in particular, have probably already done what they need to optimize their websites. You can easily uncover all of their best secrets just by taking a tour.

Focus on keywords and, in particular, the keywords they use on their homepages and main product pages.

Focus on your homepage’s SEO

Most businesses focus their SEO budget and energy on the homepage. While it is certainly one of the main pages you should optimize, it is by no means the only one you should focus on.

That said, you want to optimize your homepage to the best of your ability. In particular, you should optimize the following key elements.

Homepage Title Tag

The SEO title tag is one of the most important components of website SEO. Your title tag should include your company name and the main keyword(s) you are targeting. It should also be less than 70 characters and intrigue your customers, as it’ll be visible to them in their search results.

Homepage Meta Description

While it doesn’t affect your keyword ranking, your homepage meta description is a 160-character description of your business that will also appear in the search results under your title tag. Try to make it compelling so that users want to visit your website.

Homepage Content

The content on your homepage should help visitors learn more about your company and the products you offer in a clear and concise manner. Avoid overloading visitors with too much information. Consider featuring your best products on the homepage and your unique selling points.

Cluttered home pages can confuse visitors as well as search engines. For example, you may be selling products in many different categories. Google will have difficulty identifying what you sell and who you target with your products, so be specific about what your site offers.

Simplify your website's architecture

When adding products and categories to your store, remember that your website's architecture plays a vital role in search optimization. 

More specifically, you want a distinct navigation hierarchy, from your homepage, product categories and the products listed within them.

Search engine spiders will discover your pages and products based on a clear, easy-to-follow, and concise internal link structure.

Optimize your product pages

Product pages are the cornerstone of your business, so you'll want to spend a lot of your energy optimizing them. Many e-commerce owners simply write a few lines of text for each product and throw in 1 image or video.

You need to provide more information about your product pages so that Google can find them.

Use responsive design

Nowadays, people do a lot of their shopping on their mobile phones. Responsive design leads to a better user experience and better search results. Google's mobile-first index uses mobile-friendliness as a crucial ranking criterion.

Improve page loading speed

Page load speed also affects how you rank, both for desktop and mobile. The faster your pages load, the higher Google will rank you.

How do you reduce page load speed? Focus on subtracting as many unnecessary elements from your page as possible. For example, a huge background image mostly covered by a white body column may not be necessary. Also, remove any plug-ins or add-ons that don't contribute anything to your website.

Why you should combine SEO with CRO

I briefly touched on CRO above, but what do conversion rates have to do with SEO? They’re the two steps a consumer must take to purchase your products.

If people can't find your site (SEO), they can't purchase your products. Likewise, if you haven't optimized for conversions, all the visitors in the world won't bring you any sales.

The combination of SEO and CRO gives you a powerful set of strategies to help you generate conversions and drive sales. E-commerce has become increasingly competitive, so you need ways to attract more people to your site and through your sales funnel.

Start by carefully analyzing your site using a heat map, scroll map, and confetti reports. See how people interact with your site so you can optimize each page for conversions. As long as you've also optimized for SEO, you can generate consistent traffic and convert a higher percentage of users.


Many e-commerce owners’ first priority is generating sales. Good, you’re already one step ahead!

But, before you can generate sales, you first need to attract website visitors. Optimizing your SEO strategy is sure to set you up for success!

Let's take one last look at our e-commerce SEO checklist:

  • Choose the right keywords
  • Research your competitors
  • Optimize your homepage's SEO
  • Simplify your website’s architecture
  • Optimize product pages
  • Use responsive design
  • Improve page load speed
  • Build backlinks

If you follow these steps, your e-commerce site will rank higher in search engines and generate more leads for your CRO efforts.

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